Pistol was presented in 1996. The main target was to develop new, modern style police and self-defence handgun that incorporates all latest developments and will cost less than its predescessor - Wapther P88, that did not achieve any significant commercial cussess, mainly due to high prices.
Walther P99 is a recoil operated, locked breech gun, that used modified Browning style locking via extraction port in the slide. It is striker fired, and has no manual safeties and three automatic safeties: Striker safety, Trigger safety and Out of battery safety. Also, it has manual decocking button in the rear upper part of the slide. Also Walther developed QA action, which has partially pre-charged stricer that must be manually charget to full stroke via each trigger pull (somewhat similar in appearance to Glocks' "safe action").
P99 has polymer frame with removable backctrap of the handle, to provide to shooters better fit in the hands (3 sizes are standart). Also P99 incorporates recoil compensator.
"Military" version of the P99 differs only in the color - frame is in "military green" color instead of standart black.
Licensed wersion of the P99 is manufactured in the USA by Smith&Wesson under designation of the Smith&Wesson 99. This guns has USA-made slides, the frame and mechanism are Germany-made.
This guns is reported as extremely reliable and very accurate, especially in 9mm version.
Specifications: Calibre: 9х19 mm (9 mm Luger)
Magazine capacity, rounds: 15
Barrel length: 102mm
Overall dimensions: 181x137x32mm
Weight, unloaded: 0,65 kg (with empty magazine)
Trigger mechanism: DAO
Other calibre: .40S&W
Source: Walther, Modern firearms
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